Police Writing an Accident ReportIf you or a loved one have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, getting a copy of the police report is a crucial step following the event. It contains important information about the crash, including witness statements (if any) and the investigating officer's assessment of which driver was at fault. The Georgia Motor Vehicle Crash Report also includes information you will need for making a claim against the other driver's insurance company for injuries sustained in the accident.

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How to Get a Copy of a Georgia Accident Report

There are several ways you can get a copy of an accident report in Georgia.

Go Directly to the Police Department

This is the easiest, most direct way to get a copy of your accident report. The officer who responded to the accident scene will usually provide you with a card indicating the accident case number. The card will also provide instructions on how to get a copy of the report.

It can take several days following the accident for the report to be available. You will likely be asked to pay a small fee for the accident report.

For example, if the accident report was made by an Atlanta police officer, you can pick up the record Monday through Friday from Central Records at:

Atlanta Public Safety Annex

3493 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW

Atlanta, GA 30331

Telephone 404-546-7461

Hours of Service: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

If it was the Fulton County Police Department, you can pick up reports Monday through Friday at:

141 Pryor Street

Atlanta, GA 30303

Telephone 404-613-5700

Hours of Service: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Order a Copy by Mail

If the Georgia State Patrol was the law enforcement agency that investigated the accident, you can order a copy of the accident by mailing your request to the Department of Safety's Open Records Unit:

Georgia Department of Public Safety

Attn: Open Records Unit

P.O. Box 1456

Atlanta, GA 30371

You can also send a fax to 404-624-7529

When sending a request, be sure to include your name, mailing address, phone number, the names of the people involved in the accident, the record being requested, the city or county where the accident occurred, the date of the accident, and the accident number (if available).

Request the Report Online

buycrash.com is a website with accident reports available for download. When you visit the site, you will need to go to a dropdown menu to select your state. Once you have selected Georgia, a page will open where you can enter the information required to find your accident report.

To find your accident report, enter the last name of one of the people involved, and either the accident case number or that person's driver's license number, the date of the accident, and the police department that filed the report. Once the required information is provided, you can download the report if it is available. The cost is typically $11 to purchase a report online on this website.

If the accident report is not available yet, you have the option to enter your contact information to receive a notification when it becomes available.

Have Your Personal Injury Lawyer Obtain the Report

If you would rather focus on recovering from your injuries following the accident, you can have your personal injury lawyer obtain the accident report for you. Recovering following a motor vehicle accident can be stressful for the entire family, and you may want to have someone help you with possible claims against the other driver's insurance company for your or a loved one's injuries.

Hire a Skilled and Experienced Georgia Personal Injury Attorney

Your Georgia personal injury attorney's level of skill and experience helps to determine the amount of damages you can recover following an accident. They know the right questions to ask to help determine the complete scope of your injuries and the likelihood that you will have a full recovery. An experienced personal injury attorney will also consider whether your family members have extra responsibilities in the home after the accident and if these people have possible claims. Your lawyer will also negotiate with the other party's insurance company to get you the most for your claim. 

The helpful personal injury lawyers at Rechtman & Spevak have the experience to successfully assist people injured in accidents through someone else's negligence. Our skilled legal team will answer your questions to explain how the system works and your right to claim compensation for your injuries and other losses. Contact our Atlanta law office today at 404-355-2688 to schedule an appointment for a free initial case consultation.


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