Truck Accident Victims Urge Congress to Support Truck Safety Legislation
Families of trucking accident victims and survivors of truck crashes across the country joined on May 7, with the Truck Safety Coalition, Senate and House sponsors, and safety and labor advocates to support the introduction of a critical truck safety law designed to reduce the risk of devastating semi-truck accidents nationwide. If you have been injured in a Georgia trucking accident, or if you lost a loved one in a fatal truck crash in Georgia, contact our qualified attorneys at Rechtman & Spevak to discuss your legal options. You may have grounds to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against the allegedly negligent truck driver or trucking company, in order to pursue financial compensation for your losses.
Reducing Trucking Accident Injuries, Fatalities
Among other things, the legislation, called the Safe Highways and Infrastructure Preservation Act (SHIPA), will freeze current federal truck size and weight limits, establish an enforcement program to ensure accountability, and close existing loopholes that allow the operation of overweight semi-trucks and tractor-trailers. According to a national poll, there is overwhelming support for limitations on the amount of weight semi-trucks are allowed to carry, with 68% of Americans opposing and 47% strongly opposing heavier trucks on U.S. roadways. Unfortunately, a main factor influencing this opposition is the alarming rate of trucking accident injuries and fatalities occurring across the country.
GA Ranked Among 15 Deadliest States for Truck Crashes
“Every year more than 4,000 people are slaughtered on our nation’s highways while corporate trucking and shipping interests continue to push Congress for heavier trucks,” said Joan Claybrook, chair of Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways (CRASH). “Heavy trucks are deadly, dangerous and destructive,” she said. “Families are paying with their lives and with their wallets.” In conjunction with the SHIPA measure, the Truck Safety Coalition released a report ranking U.S. states according to truck accident deaths for 2011, and Georgia ranked among the 15 deadliest states. In Georgia alone, there are more than 200 fatal trucking accidents and more than 5,200 non-fatal truck crashes every year.
Contact Our Experienced Attorneys Today
Organizations like the Truck Safety Coalition are dedicated to reducing the number of injuries and deaths caused by trucking accidents in the United States, and their support for more stringent trucking regulations echoes a nationwide effort. If you or a loved one has suffered trucking accident injuries in Atlanta, Marietta, or elsewhere in Georgia, consult our reputable lawyers at Rechtman & Spevak as soon as possible. Our legal team has extensive experience protecting the rights of trucking accident victims throughout the state, and will work diligently to help you and your family seek fair and timely reimbursement for the resulting injuries and medical expenses.