Foot drop injuries after car accidentsYes. Foot drop, also known as drop foot, is a symptom of nerve or muscle damage sustained as a result of an injury to the knee or lower back.

The type of muscle tearing or nerve compression that leads to foot drop is common among victims of car collisions, truck crashes, and motorcycle wrecks.

If the nerves in your knees or back were damaged in an accident you didn't cause and you began experiencing foot drop symptoms, you may be entitled to compensation from the negligent party.

Foot drop is characterized by the inability to lift the front part of the foot. While that may not sound particularly dire, it can have wide-ranging consequences. In order to help a dropped foot clear the floor, you may find yourself lifting your knee or thigh—or swinging your foot side to side—every time you take a step.

Unfortunately, rather than helping, these modified gaits create problems of their own. For example, the foot will often strike the floor with considerable force, which can make walking extremely difficult or painful.

If your foot drop is severe, it can be a significant disruption to your life. Not only can foot drop seriously limit your mobility, but it can also restrict your occupational opportunities. If you're injured, unable to work, and drowning in medical debt after being hurt in an accident caused by another person or company's negligence, we can help you seek compensation for various damages, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, loss of earning potential, pain and suffering, and more.

Consult an Experienced Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney

At Rechtman & Spevak, our knowledgeable personal injury attorneys fight to help injured Georgia residents obtain the compensation and the justice they deserve. We may be able to help with your case as well. Interested in learning more about our firm and how we handle personal injury cases? Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a free initial case consultation. We look forward to reviewing your case and discussing your legal rights and options.


Jaret A. Spevak
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Atlanta Personal Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorney With 20+ Years Experience