testing DUI driver after an accidentDrunk driving remains a serious problem in the United States. More than one million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence in 2016 alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Statistics.

It's a frightening statistic, but what's even more shocking is these arrests make up just 1 percent of the 111 million episodes of alcohol-impaired driving self-reported by American adults each year.

Lawsuits Against DUI Drivers

If you were seriously injured in an accident caused by a driver cited for driving under the influence, or DUI, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, property damages, lost wages, loss of income, pain and suffering, punitive damages, and other economic and non-economic losses.

However, even in accident cases involving DUIs, obtaining compensation is never a given.

Building a Strong Case Against a DUI Driver

Hurt in a DUI accident? Here's what you can do to build a strong personal injury case:

  • Take photos and videos at the scene of the accident. Make sure to document the positioning of the involved vehicles, relevant road or weather conditions, property damage, and apparent injuries.
  • Gather contact information and statements from people who witnessed the accident. It's especially helpful to get information from people who saw the intoxicated driver swerving or weaving before the crash; or staggering, slurring their words, or attempting to hide their intoxication after the accident.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you don't think you're seriously injured. Adrenaline may mask the pain of certain injuries, and late-appearing injuries can take hours or even days to present themselves. Work closely with your doctor to ensure that your accident-related injuries are documented carefully and thoroughly.
  • Consult a personal injury attorney. An attorney with experience handling personal injury cases against drunk drivers can help you understand your legal rights and options, and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Were You Injured in an Accident Caused by a Drunk Driver?

The knowledgeable and experienced attorneys with Rechtman & Spevak can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a free initial case consultation.


Jaret A. Spevak
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Atlanta Personal Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorney With 20+ Years Experience